Conferences and Workshop Opportunities
Through a competitive process, the NDSGC awards travel stipends to North Dakota formal and informal educators to attend NASA and/or STEM-related conferences.

Through a competitive process, the NDSGC awards travel stipends to North Dakota educators to attend NASA and STEM-related conferences. In previous years, the NDSGC has supported educators to attend the Space Exploration Educators Conference (annual February conference in Houston, TX) and to attend Space Academy for Educators (annual week-long space summer camp for teachers in Huntsville, AL).
Support for educators to participate in these opportunities is dependent on the NDSGC annual budget.

Pre-Service Educators
The North Dakota Space Grant Consortium travels to our affiliate institutions to host workshops each semester for pre-service teachers. These workshops can be on various space topics in STEM, and have traditionally included astronomy, life in space, physics, engineering, and more. Pre-Service Teachers will participate in these hands-on activities with the goal of incorporating them into their future classrooms. Any space-related topic can be covered, depending on the needs of the class. Faculty and instructors in education departments at affiliate institutions are encouraged to utilize this resource for a fun day of space activities in their classes! View our K-12 hands-on STEM activities; for additional information, please contact the NDSGC team.
In-Service Educators
The NDGSC hosts a NASA-themed workshop each year for North Dakota educators. Pre- and in-service teachers can register for one professional development credit and, in some cases, Continuing Education Units. The past few workshops have implemented NGSS, SciGirls, and NASA education standards and content. The "NASA in the Classroom" workshop allows educators to get hands-on and take home these project-based learning activities into their own classrooms. Watch for conference information on the newsletter.

Past Workshops
The NDGSC hosts a NASA-themed workshop each year for North Dakota educators. The past educator workshops have useful resources available to download. Past Educator Workshop Link